Just for Kids

There are no metaphors in climbing.You physically get to the top!

Climbing is an all round tool for the cognitive development of our kids.

It is fun and engaging, promotes the development of strength, risk analysis, confidence and resilience, not to mention a fantastic way to blow some steam (for those that have highly energetic kids or teens!). Climbing also hones concentration and problem solving skills and can be taken on as a competitive or non- competitive sport with each individual being able to work on their own, or in collaboration with others, to break down and solve problem after problem.

We don’t mind which option they choose, but we are confident you’ll see loads of positive changes in strength, ability and attitudes. Not only will you see these changes, but your kids will also meet a fantastic and supportive group of young climbers, and no doubt make valuable friendships outside their school network. To add to these benefits Occupational Therapists are recommending sports like climbing as therapy for kids to help develop the strength required to do foundational things like writing or sitting upright and concentrating in the classroom.

We also hold a ‘kids only’ event once a year called Youthfest which we highly recommend our young climbers attend. This event is a fantastic opportunity for kids to have an absolute blast in a supportive and likeminded community and gain huge amounts of confidence.

Read on for more information on how your child can join in on the fun.

Feel free to speak to our friendly staff or email us if you have more questions:
