Free Monthly Progression Clinic

Thinking about trying climbing, wanting to network with fellow climbers  or learn how to make progress just a little more quickly and efficiently?

Our free monthly Progression Clinic may be just what you need.

Catering to climbers of all abilities with an interest in either bouldering or top roping/ leading disciplines, our Progression clinic will help its participants  build confidence, technique, strength and mental strategies to overcome progressively more challenging climbs in a fun and supportive environment.

If you have particular goals, our trainers can also gear your session towards your specific needs.

Bookings are essential however, with each monthly session limited to 15 participants, and must be done online. Link can be found below.

For more information, or to inquire about whether this might be for you, feel free to speak to one of our friendly staff members or send us an email at:


Cost: Free 1.5 hr training session (standard gym entry applies)

Whats involved: For anyone wanting to progress from what ever level they are currently at, this is a 1 1/2 hr session involving climbing and climbing drills, as well as strength based exercises, designed to help climbers develop their repertoire of climbing moves and styles, and confidence.

When: First Tuesday of every month

Time: 7:00-8:30 pm

Booking Link: Free Monthly Progression Clinic Booking Link